Love, Joy, Peace...

Saint Paul Missionary Baptist Church


Church History 1917-1961

Saint Paul Missionary Baptist Church  had a very humble beginning in the Year of Our Lord 1917. The entire membership was comprised of four families: Cox, James, Matthews, and Evans. The families, being new from the South, had a strong urge to worship God. Having no permanent place to worship, they met from house to house. 

In 1918, they bought a tent; and under the guidance of Reverend Branch they were organized. The Church was named St. Paul Baptist Church and its first pastor was Reverend Jones. After a pastorate of one year, Reverend Jones resigned to Second Baptist Church of Akron and Reverend Hayes was charged to pastor the Church in his place.

In 1922, the pastorate of Reverend R.S. Tatum began. During his tenure, the Church’s first permanent place of worship was erected.

Between 1928 and 1929, Reverend I.M. Yancy was called to pastor. Up to and through the pastorate of Rev. Yancy, St. Paul remained a small community church. However, in 1944, Reverend Frank Williams, Sr. was called to pastor. He oversaw extensive renovations and the Church began to see significant growth and prosperity. The Church also purchased a 36-acre farm in Randolph, Ohio to provide members of the congregation with a place of peace and refuge from the everyday cares of life.

In 1951, the Church was renamed “The House of Glory Baptist Church.” After pastoring more than 13 years, Rev. Williams was called home to glory in 1957.

In November 1957, after carefully screening several candidates, Reverend Jerry L. Bolar was called to pastor the “The House of Glory.” Deacon Lewis Watters was ordained by Pastor Bolar in 1961.

Church History 1962-1990

After pastoring the Church for four and a half years, Rev. Bolar resigned and in September 1962, Reverend Russell W. Burden was called to pastor the Church. Under the pastorate of Rev. Burden in 1965, the congregation moved from Harvey Avenue in Kenmore, Ohio into their newly purchased building at 565 W. Thornton Street in Akron, Ohio. Rev. R. W. Burden resigned in 1965.

In 1966, Reverend Luther J. Smith was called to pastor. Under the pastorate of Rev. Smith, Deacon Verbon Hodo, having been ordained at his previous Church, was added to the Board of Deacons in 1967. That same year, Dec. Watters was appointed Church Treasurer. Rev. Smith served as Pastor until his death on December 26, 1967, and Rev. Jerry L. Bolar was recalled to pastor the Church in July of 1968. Under his leadership, the original name of the Church, St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church, was voted to be restored.

Under the leadership of Rev. Bolar, Stephen McEwen, Carlis Ammons, and Bot. T. Jackson were all ordained as deacons. During Rev. Bolar’s faithful service and dedication to the Church, many improvements were made. They included: a new entrance leading to the sanctuary, the purchase of new pulpit furniture, an organ, a piano, and a Church van. In addition, the building at 565 W. Thornton Street was paid off and a building fund for a new Church building was established. In July of 1983, Rev. Bolar retired.

On February 18, 1984, a call to pastor St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church was extended to and accepted by Reverend Douglass Price of Medina, Ohio. Under his leadership, the membership grew; moreover, new inspiration was added to the Church. James Hollis, Calvin Ruggs, and Charles Harris were ordained as deacons on March 5, 1989. The sale of the farm owned by the Church was also completed during that year.

Reverend Darrell L. Isaiah was called to the pastorate on September 2, 1989. Under Rev. Isaiah’s leadership, many more improvements were made for the enhancement of the physical building. Rev. Isaiah resigned in December 1990.

Church History 1991-2024

In May 1991, Reverend Clifton Norwood was called by majority vote of the Church to pastor St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church. His vision of “Reaching, Teaching, and Making Disciples for Jesus Christ” was implemented. A new van was purchased, and under his guidance and leadership, new ideas, attitudes, and a mind to work were felt by the members of the Church. 

With a united congregation seeking the face of God through prayer and petitions, the Holy Spirit gave Pastor Norwood the vision and plan to purchase our current home at 1350 Virginia Avenue in 1992. The Lord blessed us to hold our first service on Sunday, June 28th, and it included a motorcade that led the congregation from the former building on W. Thornton Street to the new Church house.

Under the leadership of Pastor Norwood, the membership quadrupled and continues to grow in size. The Lord blessed us to ordain 6 deacons: Raymond Norwood, November 24, 1996; Henry Robinson, November 24, 1996; Nathan Poole, November 27, 1997; Benjamin Hodo, November 27, 1997; Willie Glover, November 28, 1999; and Melvin Burney, August 2005. Added to the Deacon Board were Oather Burney, Sr., deceased 1991; Roy Johnson, Sr., 2001; Sammie Henderson, deceased 2006; Gerald Smith, August 2006; and Darshawn Brown, October 2016.

Under Pastor Norwood’s leadership, 20 ministers were licensed: Minister Darnell Woods, April 18, 1999; Minister Oather Burney, Jr., April 1999; Minister Shirley Byrd, April 18, 1999; Minister Darrick Willis, Sr., June 11, 2000; Minister Nathan Poole, 2003; Minister Sandra Kennedy, 2003; Minister Antoinette Hodo, September 14, 2003; Minister Malinda Davis and Minister Marilyn Davis, October 12, 2003; Minister Joyce Walker, November 16, 2003; Minister Galen Bias, December 14, 2003; Minister Linda Armstrong, June 13, 2004; Minister Deonna Matthews, January 9, 2005; Minister Ronnie Bryant, December 21, 2006; Minister Sharon Nash, December 21, 2006; Minister Rita Walker, December 21, 2006; Minister Ronald Myles, April 22, 2007; Minister Christopher Wiggins, April 22, 2007; Minister Jewelene Banks-Nelson, April 22, 2007; First Lady Minister Theresa Norwood, May 2007; and Minister Deven Bernadette Tillman, February 13, 2022.

In addition, three were ordained and set apart for special ministry. Reverend Oather Burney, Jr. was ordained February 15, 2004 and called to pastor Firestone Park Baptist Church in Akron, Ohio. Reverend Nathan Poole was ordained in 2005 and called to be the Youth Pastor of Second Baptist Church in Medina, Ohio. Reverend Darrick Willis was ordained and installed as Pastor of People’s Baptist Church in Akron, Ohio in March 2008. On May 2, 2009 Pastor Poole was installed as Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Orrville, Ohio.

Pastor Norwood’s leadership and teaching also birthed many new ministries. In January 2001, he instituted the Pillar Ministry Vision which brought forth the Evangelism Pillar, Mission Pillar, Christian Education Pillar, Discipleship Pillar, and the Worship Pillar. In March 2004, the Senior Pillar, Financial Pillar, Youth Pillar and the Family Pillar were added. In 2007, the Women’s Ministry Pillar was added along with ministries of Audio/Visual, Bereavement, Congregational Care, and Volunteerism. As part of his vision, a Christian Center was opened in Medina, Ohio on April 3rd, 2003.

The Lord continued to bless us and in October 2009, He made it possible for the Church house to be paid off. A mortgage burning ceremony was held on June 25, 2010 to celebrate this great milestone in the history of our Church.

January 4, 2010, Tri-State Bible College North Campus was established at St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church with Dr. Jonas Butts as Vice President of Academic Affairs/Instructor and Dr. Alicia Malone as Director of Christian Services/Instructor. Pastor Clifton Norwood served as Dean of College, Sis. Keyra Sheares as Director of Admissions and Registrar, and Sis. Tameka Morris as Administrative Assistant. The Tri-State Library was also established near the Fellowship Hall.

On January 1, 2011, Reverend Charles D. Roland, Sr. became our first Youth Pastor. In June 2011, Saint Paul Missionary Baptist Church Emerging Ministries held its first service in Medina, Ohio under the leadership of Associate Pastor, Arthur A. Ruffin, Sr. Pastor Ruffin was installed as Pastor of Second Baptist Church in Medina, Ohio in April 2016.

In 2017, during the celebration of our Centennial Year, God blessed us to renovate the sanctuary and other areas of the Church house. In 2018, under the direction of God, the Church embraced the technology of electronic giving and online prayer.

In 2020, the world was hit with the COVID-19 pandemic. The church building was forced to close its doors, but the Lord blessed Saint Paul to thrive by holding online worship services, Bible classes, and prayer until the doors reopened over 2 years later.

In 2022, the church voted in Pastor Nathan Poole as Assistant Pastor under the direction of Senior Pastor Norwood.

The church voted to upgrade the exterior sign, and an electronic display was added outside the building in 2023 serving as a beacon of light and information to the welcome the community into the doors of Saint Paul MBC.

In 2024, Children’s Church was added to A.C.E. for ages 5-12.

We continue to see God’s grace and blessings being showered upon us. To God be the glory for the past, present, and future of St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church!